Mats Bengtsson kayaking and kayak techniques

Kayak trips in Sweden and around plus thoughts techniques and experience from kayaking

Mats Bengtsson mib over the years

Kayak trips in Sweden and around plus thoughts techniques and experience from kayaking

Me paddling kayak north of Hellerup in DenmarkKayaking has become a great interest for me. From the beginning, it started as an interest to get out onto the water and being able to see the nature from close quarters. That part of the interest has remained all the time. Based on that, me and my wife and friends and our kayak paddling club KF Öresund have done a lot of different trips, small as well as large and seen a lot of things:

I have become interested in safety measures around kayaking (mainly due to a scare I had in the beginning). It has laso led me to work on some kayak techniques and paddling skills.

There are some more pages I have written, found through the navigation pane to the left.



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