There are a lot of things we have done in the house through the years
This page and list of projects seem to be one of the things I will never complete. I started out on it quite early, but time s not sufficient. This means that my intent to show all home projects we have done is failing. Below is a list of the projects I have included on the web. But there are other house projects as well, described in bits and pieces in other sections.
The reason is to a part to find in the changed level of projects. When we moved into the house, we did not do much more stuff than the average person. My wife is good at painting and very good at coming with creative ideas on what could be done. I like planning the ideas into something achievable and executing small build projects. But the build projects we have done has taken on an increasing level of difficulty over the years, from being simple projects everybody does, and being things we have defined and bought from vendors, to becoming complex projects we probably should never have tried in the beginning. The last kind of projects, or the findings about them, is described in separate sections for more involved home improvment projects, as well as more advanced woodworking.
First set of jobs we did was during 2002 the first month, as a part of moving in, before getting the furnitures from our old apartments
At this time we had no furnitures in the house and we also had vacation during a part of the time. Both factors helped in achieving a lot of things in a short time. Most things where quite simple, but some of them also demanded new skills from both of us.

- Repainting the rooms
- Taking down trees
- Draining and isolating front cellar walls
- Building bookshelf and tables
- Taking down sea grass wall paper
The next set of jobs were done 2002-2003 during winter, after having moved in
At this time we were working again, and also all furnitures were in the house. Thus all jobs now had to go together with both work hours and with normal living tasks, so they took considerably longer than the first month of jobs.
- Folding Door to cellar
- Own Curtain rods
- Gluing parquetry flooring pieces
- Wardrobe for the entrance
- Dining room table
- Replacement of three radiators
The next set of jobs were done 2003 during first spring after having moved in
With the spring came the possibility to do work outside. This meant work on a lot of different things outside the house, plus in the garden.

- Converting front side of garden from root system to garden
- Restoration of porch door
- Adding hatch to Attic
- Taring Down inner parts of Sauna
- Repainting an old mirror
- Creating a herb garden
The next set of jobs were done 2003 during first autumn after having moved in
We continued to work outside, but now and then it rains, so some jobs were done inside as well. Also, jobs with heat is best performed during spring/summer/autumn, but can not be tested before weather starts to get cold again.

- Improving the cellar Window Frames
- Improving the walls in the cellar
- Exchanging the Thermostat for the heat pump
- Forcing cooperation between electric heater and heat pump
The next set of jobs were done 2004 the second year after moving in
- A colony to supplement the garden
- Repainting the kitchen
- Replacing one living room radiator
- Building a swivel TV cabinet
- Replacing a radiator in my parents home
- Repainting a Window in the bedroom
- Oiling the garage door
- Adding a ladder to the roof
More jobs
I have not managed to take the time and describe all other jobs, it is a task yet to do. But it has been ongoing, and the level has increased.